
This small texts results from a reflective exercise which I had trouble undergoing in that it is an example of what I criticised in previous report “Who are we?” — https://jpg92.hotglue.me/?whoarewe/.
Mentalabeling is a tactical proposal to unpack the "moral logos of contemporary biomedical psychiatry” (E. Gabriella Coleman) through a psychopathological diagnosis and drug labelling system. Its purpose is to reveal some of the repressive aspects at play while being diagnosed and "cured" from mental health-issues. It is based on five key principles: patient agency, economical (lobbying) transparency, theoretical origin, scientific discourse origin, socio-political impact. Each label certifies and informs the patient about her diagnosis and treatment in order to transparently assess her “condition”, its impact and possible consequences… Furthermore, it would be linked to a peer review system and database through which patient share their analyse, drug evaluation, previous experience, mental health services reviews, resources, etc…
Labels could be organized as follow:
_ Peer reviewed, Peer ill-advised, Peer recommended, Peer’s worth 10 drugs, Peer’s most misleading diagnosis;
Economical transparency:
_ 100% interest free from pharmaceutical lobbies, Financed by: “name of the company”, Laboratory shares owned by: “name of the company”, Top ten newly invested drugs;
Theoretical origin;
_ 100% western-centred diagnosis, 50% Lacanian - 50% Freudian, Heteronormative diagnosis, 100% Christian moral inherited, Productive dogma, Capitalist influence, 100& self-help lifestyle…
Scientific origin
_ Assumed to be true, Very doubtful, 100% Neuroscientifically proven, Sciences loves it,
Socio-political impact:
_ Can be used against you in a trial, Checked by insurance companies, Good for university quotas, Internationally unsafe, Jail risk in “country name”…

"The Politics of Rationality Psychiatric Survivors’ Challenge to Psychiatry" E. Gabriella Coleman